
  • On Green and Growing things

    This is something to help give you a little hope in life ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Growth starts small
    Whether you’ve just begun to break out of your shell….
    Or fully broken out…
    Don’t be afraid to show your stripes. They only make you even more beautiful.
    Remember that we all grow differently ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Whether you stick out or blend in, you’re still beautiful.
    Be a red stick amongst brown
    Broken or whole, you are still a light
    Everyone is shaped and colored in their own unique way. Remember that.
    It’s ok to be a dandelion among bricks. Who knows? There may be other flowers nearby. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I found this inside a trash can. Beauty can be found in the most mundane places.
    Tragic and beautiful can coexist
    Not sure how hopeful this is, but the tulips in our backyard are starting to come out and blossom, so yay! ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™‚
    Even bumblebees need nectar
    We need to stick together (so clichรฉ lol)
    Like it or not, sometimes you gotta chill with the grasses
    (See below)
    Your leaves are gonna be shaped different from someone else’s. You might even be an acorn.
    Even the randomest object can be a good photography subject
    Moss, plant, whatever. If it’s green, it needs to be nurtured (and respected).

    DISCLAIMER: I did not take the bumblebee photo. Everything else is (was?) courtesy of yours truly and Mother Nature.

    Welp, that’s all for this post! I hope you enjoyed it, even if it didn’t exactly incite hope in you. I had fun making this, and I spent waaay too much time (and storage) taking pictures. And sorry if the photos aren’t very good, I am not a professional photographer.

    K, bye! (For real this time) ๐Ÿ™ƒ


  • Purple












    However you wish to say it, purple is amazing color.

    It symbolizes royalty/authority, intelligence, wealth, wisdom, bravery, and spirituality. Purple can also be associated with eggplant. ๐Ÿ†

    Plus, purple looks good with every single other color out there.

    And there are many shades of purple, so there’s something for everyone.

    Most of all, purple is just a beautiful color.

    (Second only to red)

    I literally looked up the word “purple”, and here are some of the photos I kept (I saved like 90! ๐Ÿ˜‚):

    I forgot what I was thinking when I saw this
    Kitty model!
    This image doesn’t have much to do with purple, but it’s really cute. ๐Ÿ™‚
    The layering on this one is really cool.
    I love images like this idk why.
    I think I might have a serious problem! ๐Ÿ˜‚
    This one’s really neat so I thought I’d share it
    I love the color and simplicity…

    Welp, that’s all for this post! Hope you enjoyed! ๐Ÿ˜€

    <Edit: captions are below the images.>

    P.S. This post was kind of impromptu, so I’m not sure if I should have done it or not…๐Ÿ˜…

  • A quick thank you note

    Hi all.

    Hope you’re doing well.

    I’m ok. For now.

    I will now get to the point.

    I’m not very good at thank you’s, so please bear with me.

    Ok. Here we go.

    Thank you for reading my posts, assuming you do at all.

    Thank you for liking my posts, even though they’re not very good.

    Thank you for commenting on my posts. They are so uplifting and really help me stay afloat.

    Thank you for not criticizing me.

    I have many inadequacies.

    Thank you for posting such beautiful thoughts.

    I love hearing what you think, feel…

    I love reading your voice.

    So thank you.


  • Some music for us depressed poets (my version of a love letter)

    I know this week is supposed to be about fear, but I can’t help but feel like we need to adress another emotion. Depression. Or any emotion like that of depression.

    Here is a playlist for y’all:

    Listen to it if you’re a poet but not depressed

    Listen to it if you’re depressed but not a poet

    Listen to it if you’re depressed AND a poet

    Listen to it if you’re neither depressed nor a poet

    Also when you feel like there aren’t enough depressed poets out there.

    And/or when you feel like the ONLY depressed poet out there.

    In short, listen to it. It is soooo soothing, and actually helped me write this blog post. It takes a lot of courage to admit that.

    I hope the music helps you like it’s helping me.

    Most importantly, stay safe and find something to be happy about.

  • The Compass, the Map, and the Traveler

    This is a poem I wrote. To me, it’s about having a semi-dysfunctional mind and being different. Enjoy!

    I hear the whispers on the wall

    I see the writing in the halls

    I can smell the fire

    And feel the smoke

    I can taste your feelings

    And sense your blood

    (No, I’m not a vampire lol)

    Over my skin

    In under my head

    They pointed me in every direction

    I went the other way

    I’m that purple sun

    Against the angry yellow sky

    Levitating like a black hole

    Grounded as space

    I’ll be that evening sunrise

    A morning sunset

    I drowned out the soft pills

    Swallowed the voices

    Went off-key


    I don’t want to take the popular road

    I wanna get the heck out of Rome

    Paint the people

    Save the town

    Build the castle

    Storm a wall

    I’m finding my place

    Taking my way

    I’m the smallest giant

    The largest dwarf

    Please don’t try to stop me

    Or turn me into your me

    I’m becoming my OWN home

    Everyone’s interpretation of a poem can be different. Tell me what message you got out of this poem in the comments below. If you’re comfortable, that is. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • .–/…./.-/-/.—-./…/../-./.-/-./.-/–/./..–../







    <Edit: Check the comments. Yw. :)>

  • Exercise from A-Z

    I didn’t know what else to do so I just a list of sports/exercises in alphabet form.

    A is for Asking for help

    B is for Being yourself (and for being nice)

    C is for Caring too much

    D is for Doing the right thing

    E is for Expressing yourself

    F is for Feeling objectively

    G is for Getting out of bed on a Monday morning

    H is for Having the courage to Heal from old wounds and past scars

    I is for Imperfectly being perfect

    J is for Juggling school, family, work, social life and everything else

    K is for Keeping up with your own thoughts

    L is for Learning from your mistakes

    M is for math (I… really don’t like math. Sorry, Calculator)

    N is for Not following the crowd

    O is for Overthinking (too much)

    P is for Placing yourself over “everybody else”

    Q is for questioning everything

    R is for Releasing all the negativity in your life

    S is for Speaking up, speaking out

    T is for Taking the time to appreciate the world around you

    U is for Uniquely expressing, being, and loving yourself

    V is for Venting over Zoom chat

    W is for Wanting the best, and only the best

    X is for eXamining your surroundings

    Y is for Yearning for world peace

    Z is for Zooming at full speed through a high school hallway after lunch

  • Push & Pull

    Ok, so, I wrote this when I was feeling a bit lonely, so the lines might be kinda sad. Or weird, i dunno. Also, sorry if the rhyming isn’t very good, I’m still working on that… ๐Ÿ˜… Alright, I’ll stop blabbing and let you read the poem. Enjoy! โค๏ธ

    Could you plz go away?

    But I’m just gonna beg you to stay

    I don’t ever wanna see you again

    No, stay right here and be my friend

    You can leave now

    On second thought; don’t, or I’ll have a cow

    You can see yourself out

    Wait, actually, please, could you stick around?

    This game of tug-o-war

    I can hardly take it anymore

    But if I stop now

    I’ll just shut you out


    And I never

    Want you to get hurt

    Give you something you don’t deserve

    Push and pull, push and pull

    Move some dirt, dig a hole

    Yank and shove, yank and shove

    I’ll shower you with my love

    Then build a stone wall

    I burnt the bridge so you won’t fall

    I’m a bad person, so I try to be a good friend

    If you end up hurtin’, sorry, didn’t mean to offend

    Truth is, I’ve got your best interest in mind

    And that is why I’ll leave you behind

    Again, this was written according to what I was feeling in the moment. So some of these lines may be only semi-true. Anyway, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! Have a great day! โค๏ธ (I sound like a Youtuber lol)

  • I shall build

    I wrote this poem at 8:00-ish PM, and it’s not very good…. ๐Ÿ˜… Please don’t judge me.

    With these bricks in my hands and at my feet

    I shall build



    Maybe I will build a house

    To get one person out of the streets, and humanity one step out of homelessness

    Maybe I’ll construct a wall

    Around MY brick house

    To match the walls surrounding my mind

    Maybe I’ll rebuild a city

    Build it back up from the rubble

    The shambles of its past

    Or maybe I’ll build up a bridge

    A long one; to make up for all the bridges I’ve burned

    But then,

    how will that save the people drowning?

    Maybe I should just use the bricks as an anchor

    So I can dive down and bring them back up to the surface

    But I’ll need to anchor MYSELF first

    Or maybe,

    I’ll just

    Use these bricks

    For a fire pit

    To burn the scars

    I’ll replace these old scars with new ones

    Maybe I will take these bricks and break glass windows

    That way no one has to see the inside

    Because no one can see through a boarded-up space

    Maybe I’ll use these bricks to hold down the Weeds

    Because if I can’t hold down my own thoughts, at least I can hold down SOMETHING

    Maybe I’ll build a highway to Mars

    To fully embrace Alien

    And any Outcast can come with me

    But no normal people, sorry

    I’m not sorry

    Maybe I’ll build a hospital

    So the people with burn scars can heal

    And those who fell off the bridge can be rehabilitated

    And the ones who got cut from the glass

    And/or splintered by the wood

    Can find a proper band-aid ๐Ÿ™‚

    Maybe I’ll take them (the bricks) and build some random structure

    And we’ll paint those bricks

    To cover up that boring red

    Oh, did I say boring?

    I meant morbid

    Because some of these bricks are coated with blood


    Is THAT why I’m empty?

    But that- I can’t be

    Cuz I get angry

    Maybe I will use these bricks and build a stairway to the sky

    And use broken glass to search for the things I’ve lost

    Assuming I didn’t lose them on Mars

    In which case they’ll never be coming back

    Maybe I’ll build a 12-story building

    So I’ll have enough room to store peoples’ stories

    But everybody’s story just keeps on building

    So then we’re gonna need 12 more stories

    Or 12 more buildings

    Whichever is least expensive

    Or maybe I’ll build an empire

    To give everybody somewhere safe to live

    I will be your refugee camp

    But I only wear pants so you’ll have to settle for buildings

    There’s no such thing as a brick tent

    And when you’re done coloring what I’ve built

    Color me

    There’s my poem! Again, sorry it’s so cringe and I hope you enjoyed. โค๏ธ

  • Here’s to the LGTBQ+ Community

    I’m not sure why, but I can’t stop thinking about you. So I took a few screenshots of a really good song (it was a GLMV, no shame). It’s called “Stand Out Fit In”. I hope it gives y’all some encouragement….

    I hope that gives you some hope/encouragement. If not, I’m sorry. Also, before I forget, here’s the link to the vid:


    And remember, I’m here to support you. ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€โšง๏ธ

    Much love! โค๏ธ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ